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   Anger is the nature of human beings, rather than forbidden to be angry, but it would be nice to control it so as not to cause negative effects. holding anger is not an easy job but if the time we are able to hold it, then be thankful, because we are people strong. Each person must have been angry, because anger is a human. Anger is the spice, but really need to be patient Whoever among us never angry. Anger is your decision. Some people say that anger is human, because anger is a part of our lives. The anger is the outward expression of feelings of pain, fear, and frustration. (Dr. Phil). (... ....)

Irritability is a state of extreme sensitivity to any stimuli. Very often people who have a sense of excitement felt stressed, anxious or may easily become angry. Irritability is a kind of signal, that is unpleasant or potentially threatening situations that can not be avoided or resolved in an appropriate way. Moderate irritability is a common experience of children who are exhausted or adults who work too hard. Lack of sleep can also cause irritated mood. Any kind of addiction to alcohol or drugs and withdrawal can trigger a person's irritability. Another cause could be due to somatic disorders (hyperthyroidism, pain disorders, tinnitus, other chronic disorders or severe medical conditions). While the cause of psychological irritability can include a mild form of adjustment problems or stress and more severe psychiatric problems or other disorders. Some factors that affect, among others; puberty, fatigue, sleeplessness, flu, headaches, premenstrual syndrome, diabetes, depression, drugs, or alcohol. (Source: www.suaramedia.com Thursday, March 18, 2010).

There could be someone who reacts so much offended when his emotions and then furious. Others may express anger by cursing did not stop. In the process there are people angry that is easy to control himself soon. But there is also a difficult angry can be regarded as a strong reaction to something unpleasant and annoying to someone. Manifold ranging from mild annoyance to rage and rage. When that happens then the faster pulse rate, blood pressure and adrenaline flow also increased. If you have this might change in the psychological reactions will cause aggressive and harsh treatment of the ill-tempered. Due to her will shape social emotions and energy getting damaged. Furthermore, positive social interaction would be disrupted. People who are capable of holding anger better and more perfect than anyone.

Anger is an expression of emotional intelligence and spiritual person. If there are people who make us angry, of course there are certain reasons behind his actions that - intentionally or unintentionally. Expression of our anger and usually more or less influenced by our own perceptions about the reasons behind people's actions. The explosion instantly triggered our emotions when we assume no element of premeditation in the act that makes us angry. Why? Immediately bersemrawutan in so many aspects of our minds, affecting the quality of the expression of our anger; existence, self-esteem, dignity, and even ideology and our faith. Everything is suddenly subjected to prejudice and became very hungry for explanations and clarifications. Our inability to curb and control the process of presumption is that often we get caught up in expressing our anger. Here also the character of a person's got a valuation; whether we are people who are able or not in control of our emotions, or just the opposite.

Speaking of brutality can not be separated from the nature of anger that exist in themselves. Anger caused by the nature of the conceit that buried deep in the heart. Anger is a human trait that is common to all people, regardless of educational background or socioeconomic class. Anger is a gift it is true, also the courage and markers.

Saving anger, hurt and resentment can destroy relationships, and eliminate self-confidence. Anger is an ongoing cause a serious rift in a relationship. (... ....). In fact, anger also can interfere with your health. When we are angry, blood in the body automatically will flow faster, your body will be flooded with chemicals that make us hot. Berdegub heart, breath up and down, your muscles tighten. The situation heats up very reasonable if experienced for a short time. If you live with a permanent feeling of anger that the body is forced to be in this position and eventually can cause high blood pressure, headaches, stomach problems and a lowered immune system. Scientific research proves, people with high temperament is more likely to suffer from heart disease. "We are talking about people who are levels of emotions always at the highest level," says Laura Kubzansky, PhD, of Harvard School of Public Health that examines the emotional stress and cardiovascular disease. People with intemperance is Kubzansky is easily ignited their emotions, often explosive, and like to intimidate others. "Anger in the levels are not a problem, but when the emotions are always high, be careful," he said. Expressing anger is a good thing, but people who can not control his emotions, for example, shouting and even hitting the table when her angry, have an increased risk of heart disease is greater.When we are angry, direct psychological impact will be felt the heart and arteries. Negative emotions such as anger and hatred will enable the response "fight or flight" so that the stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol, will make the heart beat harder. Similarly, the breathing becomes rapid and blood pressure increased as a result of the blood vessels constrict. "Levels of adrenaline and cortisol in the high levels of toxins will give effect to the heart. Also too often angry will accelerate the process of atherosclerosis or fatty deposits in blood vessels, "said Jerry Kiffer, MA, researchers in the field of heart and brain of the Cleveland Clinic's Psychological Testing Center, USA. He explained, it happens because the brain to pump too fast, blood vessels constrict, and blood pressure rises. In addition, when emotions are explosive, participate in blood glucose levels rise and more points of fat in blood vessels. Experts believe it will damage the artery walls.In addition to anger, another factor that accelerates the heart damage is anxiety and depression. "People are often angry tend to have a chronic negative emotions, such as anxiety and depression," Kubzansky said.

Actually, anger is an emotional reaction to a very reasonable, as well as feelings of fear, sadness and guilt. Only the anger is usually brought out a more direct impact damage. Anger causes reprehensible. Anger can destroy the liver. Angry that no one else is a liver disease that if left unchecked will be harmful to themselves as a whole. anger can change the function of organs. Related to this, Dr. Mann mentions based on scientific investigation of the physiological effects due to anxiety (read: angry-Pen) has revealed the existence of various changes in the whole body like the heart, blood vessels, stomach, brain and glands in the body. The entire road is a natural body function change at the time of anger. The hormone adrenaline and other hormones at the time the fuel light came anger. Anger will "accelerate" death. Anger happens to one will affect the quality of health. According to health experts, anger can cause sudden death if it reaches a certain level of greatness.

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