So let us help the children to be responsible by doing the following steps:
1. Give the task to your child what they can afford. And ask them what results they want to achieve in that task. This will encourage them to achieve what they want to own it without coercion.
2. Give children the freedom in that task. This will give the children an opportunity to learn the real world. If your child is learning about life is now at the age of 6 years, then it is a step in teaching them right from when he was aged 16 years.
3. bring them with empathy and consequent. Use empathy first before teaching them the consequences. They will not be able to learn how wrong they are bad for them if their parents angry. Demonstrate a sense of empathy or grief will help children think more about their life choices and decisions.
4. Give the same task to your child again. This will help him see how people learn from their mistakes.
5. in doing it all, make sure you stay in nurturing their condition and do not ever use force in interacting with them.