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Technology of the future


    Along the very rapid technological developments of this plan or plans of future technologies that will be launched no denying bus.

          After I was browsing the internet I read a future technology that is interesting even considered highly unlikely, but they can prove it.
technology in question is a cloak of invisibility, wow ... did you ever think about it? I do not think so, you have not thought about it.

           It uses material technologically Metamaterial.withe use such materials can all be seen to disappear.
A fighter with metamaterial material will be invisible, not only does not look like the technology radar "Stealth", but completely invisible to the eye. impressive is not it??

           Metamaterial will bend the light, which surrounds the object diselimutinya and reassemble at the ends, like river water around a stone. In a recent study at Perdue University in their use of special needles that will bend light beyond the shrouded object while the object behind it will be seen.

          This material is being studied around the world including at MIT, the University of California Berkeley, Duke University, and Caltech in LA.

           Maybe as time goes by future technology will continue to emerge. Someday I may be found to move partike technologically or even the human or the term by the method of "telepathy". Is it possible? just wait, time will surely show it

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