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nger is the nature of human beings, rather than forbidden to be angry, but it would be nice to control it so as not to cause negative effects. holding anger is not an easy job but if the time we are able to hold it, then be thankful, because we are people strong. Each person must have been angry, because anger is a human. Anger is the spice, but really need to be patient Whoever among us never angry. Anger is your decision. Some people say that anger is human, because anger is a part of our lives. The anger is the outward expression of .

Patutkah Menyalahkan Internet ?

Di zaman serba modern ini kemajuan dan kebutuhan teknologi dalam kehidupan sudah sulit untuk dipisahkan,bahkan sudah bisa di sebut sebagai kebutuhan manusia.Tapi apakah ini pantas untuk disalahkan ? Mari kita tinjau bersama.Masalah yang kita ambil misalkan Teknologi Internet.Internet sangat erat dalam kehidupan seahari - hari,Seakan- akan sudah sangat sulit untuk dipisahkan khususnya untuk kaum remaja banyak dari mereka menggunakan untuk mencari tugas atau sekedar chating.Selain itu dari internet kita bisa belajar segala hal, mengetahui banyak hal baik hal yang buruk maupun yang baik. karena semua informasi yang kita butuhkan dapat kita cari di internet. hal ini jelas sangat berpengaruh terhadap pola berfikir setiap individu yang akhirnya menjadi suatu pola pikir masyarakat,itu salah satu kelebihan internet..


Intro: F C Dm Am Bb F C (x2) F C Dm Am A lonely road, crossed another cold state line Bb F C Miles away from those I love purpose hard to find F C Dm Am While I recall all the words you spoke to me Bb F Can't help but wish that I was there C Back where I'd love to be, oh yeah.

Was lovely town

not just trees alone, here too there is a very interesting natural phenomenon fatherly seen or even visit such example is the waterfall, the forest for the crawl, the cliffs, even we can see the beach from the mountain top..

Mudah Lelah saat Futsal?

saya akan memberikan sedikit tips tentang bagaimana supaya anda tidak mudah lelah dalam bermain futsal.sesuai dengan pengalaman pribadi saya.mungkin hanya sedikit tapi boleh di coba.


Technology of the future


    Along the very rapid technological developments of this plan or plans of future technologies that will be launched no denying bus.

          After I was browsing the internet I read a future technology that is interesting even considered highly unlikely, but they can prove it.
technology in question is a cloak of invisibility, wow ... did you ever think about it? I do not think so, you have not thought about it.

           It uses material technologically Metamaterial.withe use such materials can all be seen to disappear.
A fighter with metamaterial material will be invisible, not only does not look like the technology radar "Stealth", but completely invisible to the eye. impressive is not it??

           Metamaterial will bend the light, which surrounds the object diselimutinya and reassemble at the ends, like river water around a stone. In a recent study at Perdue University in their use of special needles that will bend light beyond the shrouded object while the object behind it will be seen.

          This material is being studied around the world including at MIT, the University of California Berkeley, Duke University, and Caltech in LA.

           Maybe as time goes by future technology will continue to emerge. Someday I may be found to move partike technologically or even the human or the term by the method of "telepathy". Is it possible? just wait, time will surely show it



         Corruption is basically a betrayal (Alatas, 1987). In terms of definition, corruption can be expressed as shape or interpreted as a form of abuse of authority and power in order to enrich themselves or among themselves, which are usually kept in strict confidentiality of others or other outside parties among themselves (see Brasz in Lubis and Scott, 1985). With such definition, then there are two important notes that must be raised about the scope of corruption.

       First, corruption is not only done by government personnel, but also implemented by the employees of private companies and other civic institutions officials.

     Second corruption case includes not only property use office or state agency directly for personal interests, but includes also all covert actions to enrich themselves or others among themselves, who are violating the law or rules and regulations.

     Causes of Corruption 
     In addition to revealing a link between corruption and collusion, corruption can not be done by those with low income. Those who were high earners has already developed a pattern of corruption in accordance with income level. There's even a very strong conviction or a very strong impression on the enactment of the law "equivalence" in corruption. That is, the higher the income of a corrupt, the higher the additional income to earned through corruption.

       when factor income is not proven to be the main factor of corruption, then what is the factor that caused mainly doing the deed? Some people may tend to put mental factors as a more fundamental cause. The problem is, when corruption and collusion already be applied in almost evenly across Indonesia, declared mental factors as the main cause of corruption tantamount to accusing the majority of very poor mental apparatus Indonesian government

    The charges were probably not entirely wrong. the question, is whether the factors that cause most of the state apparatus has such mental? this question, can not, compel us to explore the role of structural factors as stimuli for corruption. As is known, the person will not do anything unless there is a deed of internal and external factors that encourage and stimulate her to do the deed. Thus in addition to the influence of mental factors and human income, corruption is impossible can be separated from the structural factors that stimulate and allow for such actions 
 With this background, it measures what can be done to minimize the spread of corruption and collusion in Indoneisa? Because of corruption and collusion is closely associated with structural weaknesses in state institutions, then the eradication of corruption and collusion is only possible by carrying out structural reforms based state as well. only by conducting a series of structural reforms that collusion and corruption of high-cost economy will be overcome. Without doing that not only the future development of Indonesia will be faced with a situation of crisis, Indonesia's image as a state champion in corruption would be difficult to remove


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